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Dancing for Pleasure: A Dance of Joy


Tango is often seen as a complex dance, full of never-ending steps that can be overwhelming. But, at its heart, tango is really about pleasure and enjoyment.


In my experience as a dancer, the most rewarding moments haven't been about continuously adding new steps, but about dancing with pure pleasure.


Letting go of the need to keep adding steps and focusing on the joy of dancing can make you feel more relaxed. This allows you to connect more with the music and your partner, creating a delightful experience.


So, if you're stressed about constantly learning new steps, remember that tango is more than that. It's about connection and pleasure. Dance with an open heart and enjoy the moment. Let the music lead you and enjoy the connection with your partner.


Tango is about pleasure. Enjoy the dance, and the natural flow of steps will follow.


Tango Zen




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